Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the India and investing in cleaner air and doing even more to tackle air pollution are important priorities.


In order to bring air quality solutions to Kochi and tackle the growing problem of air pollution, the Centre for Heritage, Environment and Development (c-hed) with the support of Clean Air Asia  and the Kochi Metro Rail Limited – organised a consultative multi-stakeholder meeting on Air Quality Solutions in Kochi that brought together officials from the Government, major research institutes and other stakeholders including medical practitioners to disuss an inclusive strategy for Air Quality Solution for Kochi.


The consultation held on Thursday, 7th December 2017 from 09.30 AM to 02:00 PM at The Gateway Hotel, was graced by the presence of the Hon’ble Mayor, Additional General Manager in Urban Transport of Kochi Metro Rail Limited city administration officials and other relevant stakeholders, who could take important steps to improve air quality in Kochi and who could also look into technology solutions for better air quality.